I bought the Craziest GAMING TECH in the World.
Table of Contents
Lego such a good idea. You could build like anything on top. Now I move to the testing phase I don't think I've ever had less of an idea of what to expect And we are back we at tech time So we're gonna go from the $10 gamer goo to the hundred dollar gaming controllers to the thousand dollar stuff straight out of the future Sorry, do you say gamer goo? It's not even midday Start with your favorite. Oh No, it's an unfortunate color. Which flavor of you got brown?
What is the purpose of this gamers get really sweaty? This is designed to stop your hands sweating It doesn't feel like it's gonna work. I don't feel very dry apply a sized amount of you to palms spread evenly Dominate are you wiping off you permanently stained our recording studio? Oh, I'm my trousers To swill your trousers this is just shameful Tommy You know, that was brilliant Okay, finger sleeve time. This is just completely ridiculous I know the idea is we are gonna play Minecraft pocket edition each of us with one finger in a sleeve One finger out of the sleeve and we're gonna use that to figure out if this is actually worth it This is woven with high sensitivity silver fiber for enhanced aim and control. I hate capitalism so much It's the fact that it's razor. You just don't yeah Wow, my gloves sure kicked in These are like $20, but Tommy ultimate breathability. Oh And the wind just travels through that like there's no tomorrow my goodness So the game is you got to try and get me this so I can feel my left finger Which doesn't have the gloves sticking a little bit to the screen. That's the goo It feels like Slightly smoother. Oh, no, I'm gonna call I'm gonna call it a no Yes, you've been had by razor finger my alter ego It feels like it's trying to be a mouse pad for your finger, but it doesn't feel What to put this on every time maybe we're gonna meet in the middle because I would give that 7.5 out of 10 We'll meet at 5.5. Then don't buy the razor finger.
Okay? Well, the steel series touchscreen buttons might actually be a smarter solution to the exact same problem These are physical controls for your virtual games So you just place these on the screen and they form an instant vacuum with that surface to keep some in place without Glue such that now there's a physical button. Oh, this recreates your joystick. Whoa, that is cool It's got this really crazy spiral mechanism that allows it to constantly snap back to the middle The buttons are nice like the buttons are really satisfying this feels kind of clunky The buttons are surprisingly solid given that I've not actually stuck them on this is a five I think I'll give it an eight. You sat on the train and you bust out the steel series. It's a good point Yeah, there's no practical point at which you're like, okay now is when I'm gonna use. Yeah, you have goo in you Here's game of goo. All right, just before we get to the really hardcore PC gadgets We're gonna work away up with the console ones. This is where we do a transition Wait, what's the challenge? Okay, tell me what piece of tech do you think we're looking at right now? Well, there's a Wii so I'm guessing something stupid. You're actually not wrong. This is a real working Nintendo control No, the game is Wii Sports. It's gonna be one round of bowling Tommy with the ball me with the normal Wii controller Let's see if Tommy can pin it. Oh Got to stay safe, don't we do you think you're gonna win look at me? I've got a Wii bowling ball was born to win. So we're gonna have one bowling turn each
That's not great. Please don't let go. Oh my god! Oh he's done it! Come on man! Does it have a Wiimote in it? Yeah, yeah it has a Wiimote in it. What? Oh! Oh that is awful. Straight ahead. Beautiful. That's 9 and 1. That's your entire two goes. That's 9 and 1. That's your entire two goes. That's 9 and 1. That's your entire two goes. That's 9 and 1. That's 9 and 1.
- All right, we get it, we get it. This is pointless, zero out of 10.
- Oh, I heard the crack.
- So you're aware of this like middle divider thing for Joy-Cons to slide into. I'm about to show you an alternative that once you see it, you will never go back from.
- Oh, what is it?
- It's for canned goods. That'd be such a good thing for like you're having your friends over, you're playing smack together.
- Are you kidding?
- The question is, can you drink while playing? In the spirit of making sure I test this properly.
- Cheers. I'm gonna have to beat you while drinking this drink.
- Oh, he's playing.
- Oh no, no, no, no.
- I'm not even gonna have time to finish this drink if you fall off that quickly.
- I'm so rubbish. I'm edge guarding.
- No.
- Yes!
- The controller fell apart!
- Okay, two, two, two, two.
- Oh no, oh no.
- Please, please, keep sipping. I'm gonna keep smashing.
- Oh, he's actually caught up. This is sad.
- Actually, I think you'll find I'm the boss.
- No, you can't, you can't. You can't come back from that.
- Run, run, run!
- One life to go and I've got half a drink to finish. To review the gadget honestly, you can actually drink while playing.
- I'm the boss!
- Tommy, come on. The gaming YouTuber. So I was gonna say Tommy win it.
- Oh great, yeah great, just rub it all in.
- I mean, that's just stupid.
- You don't think that's more than a party drink?
- I think that's ridiculous.
- I have some potentially bright news for you though. I'm about to nerf myself further. This is a custom modded Nintendo Switch controller. One hand can reach every single one of the buttons. So we've seen I can beat you with two hands. We're going to see now if I can beat you with one. So this is for disabled and paralyzed people who only have one hand to be able to fully play like console games.
- Oh, that's great.
- Oh, first hit, first hit on me.
- God damn it.
- How alive is that? I should be winning.
- You're getting destroyed by the Mr. Cums.
- No, stay away from me, stay away from me.
- Just say I'm the boss.
- I can't, I can't.
- Say it.
- No!
- Say the line.
Congratulations. This is a 9 out of 10. Feels good to press as well. On that note, there is a PlayStation version. Someone's 3D printed every single part of this in their garage. Nah, that's brill. You have my support. Now I have such a soft spot for handheld gaming, you wouldn't believe the amount of time I used to spend under the covers with just me and my Game Boy. And so when I found out that there was a device that allows you to play actual PlayStation 5 games on your smartphone, you can bet that I jumped at it. Oh wow. Oh wow. 10. Died within about four seconds. I'm actually so happy right now. That actually feels so good. It's just surreal seeing a game like this being played on a smartphone like form factor. It feels like an OLED Switch. But much, much better. Like imagine these graphics on a Switch, like never. Right, this is the first one I can say I would buy this. This is a 9. Can you play this on the train or does it, it has to be an in-house thing. You can play it in the toilet. In clanking. I think I'd have to give that maybe even a 9.5. Fulfilled my childhood fantasy, I would say. Here you go, man. This is a gift from me to you. You bought it for yourself, so I'm really happy. Thank you very much. But we can step the game consoles up further by not just streaming over WiFi, but actually having your home console on the go with you. That's sharp, it's colorful. It's got like a matte anti-glare finish as well. The benefit of this is you could carry an Xbox and everything you need to play in a backpack. Okay, so it's not like a perfect solution because this needs a power connection and this needs a power connection. Or you could just take a Switch. Oh yeah, it's like bigger than a laptop. Like that's gonna take up a lot of travel size. I imagine it's quite delicate as well. I think this is one of the ones I really liked in concept, but yeah, having actually played it and seen it, I think the reality of it is it's impractical. I would give this like a six out of 10 'cause I think it's a perfect execution, but what's the functionality of it? What's the point? Six out of 10. Let's close that with the wood.
Okay, so what's been your experience with VR? Not great. It makes me motion sick. This is the Tatsu X40. It's called the X40 because it has 40 different haptic points that can simulate feeling in 40 different parts of your body.
If you shoot the gun, like do you feel it? I need to load. Oh, I'm dropping all the bullets. Tommy. Hello. Yeah? Begin it. Stop saying that to me.
No, no, no! Did you get hit? Yes, I got hit! I got shot in the back! Nah, alright, you can have that go. How did it feel? It looked like a little ant's on me back. Oh, no, don't like that. Ah! Tommy, is that you? No, that was the vest. What I'm about to try and experience is cooking a grenade and exploding it in front of me, which is going to trigger every single haptic motor. Ah! Are you feeling it? I see what you mean, yeah. So it doesn't hurt that much, but it's knowing that you're getting shot and that's the feeling of the bullet.
That's a grenade? I'm actually really scared. Can I blow myself up? This feels too real.
That was my closest to death experience I've ever had.
It is PC time. This is where things get really serious. I'm very excited. This is my home turf! Tommy, would you describe yourself as a skilled gamer? Absolutely not. Well, we'll see if tech can turn you into one.
- You want some more gaming?
- No, stay away from me. First up in the PC section, the USB foot pedals. So they're completely programmable, so each of these buttons, like that, could just enter your email address if you wanted it to. This would be so good for streaming. It'd be like playing a drum kit with your computer as the kit. Okay, we're in Fortnite. Oh wow, look, I'm using the foot pedal to jump! Salam! Do you think this is less about improving the gaming, more about for people who are streaming their gaming to manage their different softwares? I think so. You know what this would be so good for? Editing in Premiere. You should send this to your editor and see if he gets out. Okay. I actually can't believe how many control options PC gamers get, because then we have a mouse with a joystick attached to it.
- Whoa.
- So we're going to see if that is going to elevate your tech. What does this do? It's a joystick. You can move and look around with just your mouse. Whoa.
the keyboard. See if you can get a kill with just the mouse. It's straining my thumb, I'll say that. It feels very inhumid. We have combat, we have combat. Okay, hands off, hands off. Alright, alright. I'm getting behind the tree. Adjusting the movement also changes where the mouse is looking. Oh! You got the kill! You got the kill.
- Nothing else.
- And then what is it?
- It's actually a device that you can run your mouse table into and A, it neatens it up and B, stops it dragging against your desk surface.
- Oh, okay. Whoa, this is cool. I've never done this before.
- Do you feel the lack of drag on the table?
- Yeah, I think I do actually. It's kind of unnerving. It's like, oh, it's freaking me out a bit.
- The tautness is actually keeping your mouse like fully in control.
- Yeah, this is interesting. This is weird. I'm like, it's kind of unnerving me. I don't like it. So that's when I'm like, cool, I want to spend more time with it. I think there's like a seven. I'm interested in this.
- So you are currently 20-er. There's a decent chance you think you're going to win. But now, this is the Razer Tartarus, which I know it looks more like a mouse. It's actually a keyboard, but it has one interesting twist. So the idea of this gadget is that it's bringing all of the keys that you actually need for gaming, which is not all of the entire keyboard right in front of your fingertips. This is just stressful. Oh, jump. It's like this massive key down here. And you know what, actually? I'm not hating this. You have like a joystick, you've got a button there, you've got a scroll wheel. You have a lot of tools at your disposal. You definitely look the part.
- Every button on this has a purpose.
- We have to change now. So would you say you're a minimalist?
- Oh my God, really? Okay, let me heal. No.
- So this is your new keyboard.
- No, I'm so close to the win. Okay, quick, quick, quick.
- So you have a total of three keys here.
- Wait, how do I reload? I've got to be very sparing with bullets.
- If you had only three buttons to allocate, which three would they be?
- Quick game, open up YouTube, watch Mr. Who's a Boss.
- There's two people left, right?
No way That was very impressive it makes up for your smash performance the thing is three keys wasn't enough to nerf you I have one Final keyboard, but you are very much not going to enjoy
This is a joke. Feels like one of them buttons you send off a new coin.
Does it work? It's just a button. It's just a single button. I can't-- Or you can key it.
I can't open the inventory to remap it. Have you ever played around with custom keycaps? A tiny bit when I did my video with glasses. So I have some fun ones for you to try. It's called an interactive cooking pot keycap. Is this what you expect to be testing when you came in? Is there any use for a custom keycap like this? No. There's no use.
This is a minus 100 out of 10. You're going to lose this when you climb. The dog's going to eat this. OK, so I'm hoping you think this next one is better. Oh, a Lego. Lego. I love Lego. This would be cool. You could put a whole Lego build on this and then you press it down. No. No. Lego brick that doesn't actually fit any Lego. That's like the worst of both worlds. Every time you tap your key, you're basically impaling your finger on a piece of Lego.
This is apparently a working fidget spinner. Am I going to Tommy Spinner? You can't beat me to it. That's pretty fast. Yay. Final keycap. This is my favorite. So this is the original Apple Mac computer and the keyboard that came with it. Yeah, I like that. That's cute, man. We're getting to the really weird now, though, with the Azeron Cyborg. You've never used anything like this, right? I don't think anyone has. I guess my concern with it is that it looks like it's learning a new language from scratch. Yeah, this is a bit much. So every single finger has at least six things it can press. How long do you think it would take you to get muscle memory with something like this? I don't know. Which ones do you-- I don't know. So one by one, I am figuring out these key bindings. That's absolutely incredible. I think the coolest part about it is that once it's molded to your fingers, the amount of travel between your fingers and the buttons is absolutely tiny. It's like an eight out of 10. It's so cool and as well feels like it has a functionality. You probably don't even know what that is. Looks like two asterisks. It's actually even better than that. This is the Orbitouch, a keyboard that gives you full access to all 128 key functions, as well as every single mouse interaction, all while requiring zero finger or wrist motion to operate. This bit here has A, B, C, D, E. So if you move that one there, you've selected one of those five. And if I do A-- oh, whoa. It looks like it's kind of designed for a really corporate office environment. Oh, that's actually really fun, though. It's so jiggly.
H E... Am I doing it? Yeah.
Oh. Hecklo! Oh god. It is what it's trying to be. Yeah. It's nice. I like things that nail exactly what they are and they have a purpose. How much, based on the way this thing looks and feels, do you think this thing cost? A hundred quid?
550! Never mind. I'm not blown away by it. Two of ten. Yeah. This is our frankly insane looking Lyric Speaker. And I think it's going to blow him away. It's a speaker with... I guess you could say a trick up its sleeve. Is it a monitor maybe? It kind of looks like a modern art piece. This is really weird.
Oh! Oh wow, that is loud!
The sound is incredible.
I feel like I'm in a bloody club!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, look, so... You know the rules. It's not just like reading out a transcript, like, it's displaying the lyrics in like a really artistic way. Oh, wow! Yeah. Never gonna let you down. Practically speaking, this is not worth $2,600, but it's a nice sounding, artistic piece. I'm surprised how good it sounds. Yeah. Good bass, man. Surprisingly, I'm here. That is solid. I think this would be like a 7 out of 10, but just because of the price tag, it wouldn't be. You have to see it as a piece of art. Thanks for watching. Subscribe!
Now! Or I'll kill you!