I Made a Plugin for Premiere Pro! (920+ Effects, Transitions, and Titles)
Table of Contents
I can't believe it. I just released my very own plugin for Premiere Pro and it's called the Premiere Gal Toolkit. It has thousands of effects that you can start using in your video project starting today. So in this video I'm gonna show you how it works. Without further ado let's go ahead and jump on
Giveaway details
First off, I'm giving away three lifetime licenses to my Premiere Gal toolkit. So leave a funny comment below and fill out the form using the link in my description box. So let's show you how to install it.
How to Install
The first thing you need to do is install the Atom X extension. To do that, you need a ZXP installer and you can go to this text file to go to AEScripts to download a free ZXP installer. So this is the ZXP installer. This is what it looks like. You can see I'm inside of Premiere Pro and I have a bunch of extensions installed. You're going to want to make sure that Premiere Pro is closed first before you install the Atom X extension. So once it's closed, you're going to drag the AtomX.ZXP file into this area and then it will begin to install. You can see that I already have mine installed. So next we can open up Premiere Pro and get it going. To open up the Atom X panel, you're gonna go to Window, Extensions, Atom X. So now the panel is open and we can go to the Downloads folder and from Atom X, we can drag the Premiere Gal Toolkit.Atom file into the panel. From here, we just need to put in the email and the purchase code you got after you purchased it and then activate. So there's two options for installation. There's copy files default, which will move all of the extension files into the extension directory. This takes a little bit more time or there's do not copy and you can run it directly from the path that the extension exists on from when you downloaded it, for example.
In this case, I'm gonna choose copy files and continue. Just two more things to note. Inside of the Download folder, there's a Help folder and there's a Font Document. So you can open this up and download all of these fonts that are used inside of the toolkit before you use it. Also, there is a video tutorial that I put together that you can access if you need further help. All right, so it's open now.
You can see at the top, we have the Premiere Gal Toolkit banner and on the left are all of the categories. So if you want to open up one of these categories to preview, you can just click on Transitions, for example, and it opens up and you can always click on it again to shrink it down. So on the right, you can click on one of these categories to preview what they look like. So you can hover over any one of these and at the bottom, you can increase the size so you can get a bigger preview. Pretty sweet, huh? If you wanna find something specifically, you can go up to Search and we can search for photo, for example, and all of the photo animation presets come up. So if any of these are your favorites, you can click on the star to add it to your favorites. And when you click on Favorites up at the top, it'll then show that as your favorite. In the very bottom left, you can choose to autoplay the previews. So they will autoplay each time you click on one of these different effects on the left.
If you don't like the autoplay, you can just turn that off. Also, there's a sound effects category. So if we click on this and hover, if you wanna change the volume of this preview, you can click on this musical icon and you can reduce or increase the volume of these previews.
Alright, so now that you know how to navigate it, let's show you how to use it. Here in my timeline I have this guide that's working out and shout out to findstory.com for providing the stock footage. I recently discovered it and it organizes the stock footage into different stories. So you can download about 10 to 15 clips of the same person already organized for you and I put a link in a discount code below if you want to check it out.
How to Apply Transitions
Alright, so let's try one of these basic zooms.
I like this one to zoom in and out clockwise, so let's go ahead and double click to apply it and just like that.
Mac users change this setting
If you have issues installing it on a Mac, be sure to go up to the hamburger menu, go to settings, and make sure that you have render options, GPU supports, and continue anyway if you're a Mac user. And then you can restart it and it should apply for you. Alright, let's try another transition. Let's press down to go to the next edit point and let's try a cinematic transition. That looks pretty sweet. Let's try this. Nice. Alright, so I applied a couple more transitions and here's the
VHS effects
Now let's show you how to apply a VHS effect. So I will close transitions and let's go to effects and let's go to VHS and you can see there's all sorts of cool VHS looks. This one down here also has a play button on top. So I'm going to favorite this one, but this one right here I think is one of my favorites as well. I'm going to favorite this double click to apply it. We now have a very vintage VHS look, which is very popular, especially in music videos right now.
The speed is pretty good. This is playing back in full resolution in 4K and there's barely any dropped frames. Next let's try the split frames. You can see that there's two medias.
How to Edit Split Frames
There's three media placeholders, four media placeholders, five media placeholders, six media as well as eight. So in this case, I'm going to choose three. Let's choose this one. You can double click to apply to your timeline or drag and drop it. So let's just double click.
And just like that, we have three media placeholders and the way that you replace them is by going up here to a central graphics because this is actually a motion graphics template, a mogart. So to open up the change media, you just click on that carrot and then we can open up each of these placeholders and drag and drop in media so I can go back over here to my stock footage. I'll change it to icon view so it's easier to see what I'm working with for media one.
Let's drag this guy with the guitar for media two. Let's drag this nice purple shot and then for media three. Let's do the close up of the guitar. Just like that. We have our split screen. If you want to control the border, you can certainly do that by going to border line control and you can choose to have it off so it will disappear. No lines or you can choose to update the color if you want it to be black, for example, and you can increase the border line width all depending on what you prefer. If this video is helping you out so far, be sure to give it a thumbs up as well as subscribe. Also if you want access to my premier gal discord server and other freebies and tips, you can head on over to patreon.com/gal to join the community. All right now let's show you how to edit some of the text elements.
How to Edit Text Elements
You can see I have social media titles, lower thirds timers. Let's try out one of the messages. You can see that I have text messages from the left and from the right.
I also have voice messages that are very cool. This also has left and right and media messages. So if you want to have a text message pop up with a video or a photo, for example, you can use these. In this case, let's try out one of the text messages. Let's try this one. All we have to do is double click to apply it to the timeline and it will auto resize to whatever frame that you're working in. So in this case, the first thing we can do is update the photo. So just like before we can go to replace media and let's go over to our effects bin and let's drop in my photo into the placeholder. I can scale it up using this control and I can also reposition it to be a little bit farther down in the center of the frame. I can then change the text. So if I want to say, hey, what's up? It'll auto adapt to the size and whatever I have written. And of course, down here, you can adjust the colors if you want to and you can adjust the tail type. So if you want a different type of tail, you can try two or three. I like to let's stick with two and then you can adjust the scale a little bit smaller, bigger, or you can adjust the position using these controls. Another thing I have in my toolkit are backgrounds so I can bring up this message to video layer two and let's go back to the extension and let's go to backgrounds.
Let's try particles. You can see that I have these kind of looping backgrounds. Let's use this one. So I'm going to drag and drop it on video layer one and look at that. Now we have the text message with this kind of particle background and this is also a MoGurt so you can go over here to essential graphics and change these colors to whatever color that you want.
Auto Responsive Time Changes
Also I almost forgot that you can extend the duration of a motion graphics and the animation will stay the same. For example, if I want to make this text message longer or shorter, the animation will stay the same. So if I play this back, here's the animation and here's the out animation. And if I want to make it longer, the out animation also moves with it. So all of the text MoGurts in the toolkit have adaptive time for the in and out animations. We also have something called a photo animator that will add motion to still images.
Photo Animators
So you can see here in my timeline. I just have a still video of this tiger. Well what if I want to apply one of these presets? I can just drag and drop it on top of the image and look at that. It adds some really cool motion, almost like a parallax effect. We also have some parallax effects that you can try out as well on top of photos or videos.
Motion Presets
We also have motion presets that you can apply to screenshots or websites as well.
So if you hover over any of these motion presets, you can see that some of them have 3D movement and some of them have 2D movement. So let's try this first one here. Let's just drag and drop it on top of our screenshot. And here's the result. Now if you want to change the focus of this, we can select the original screen, go to effect controls, click on motion so we can use the motion controls to reposition it in frame. Here's the result.
So it's just a fast way to add motion to your screenshots and images without having to go to effects and customize your effects. All right, lastly, but certainly not least, I want to show you some of the shakes.
So let's go to effects and let's go to handheld camera. So if you have a steady tripod shot and you want to add some handheld camera movement, you can use any of these to create that motion. So let's drag and drop the handheld camera on top here. And now this shot has some movement before with these turned off. It was just a steady shot. So this just added some natural handheld motion to the scene. But if you wanted to feel even more intense, you can go down to hard shake effects and these create some more kind of like glitch effects as well. So even this one has like a VHS scan line. So let's go ahead and drag and drop this on top this one the playback without rendering is okay, but I'm going to hit return just to render it out really quickly. So we can see the final result. This is what it looks like with those intense shakes and these could be really useful for commercials as well as music videos. All right, so that pretty much sums it up on how you can use these effects. But of course, there's so much more that it didn't cover. There's over a hundred color presets here from cinematic film all the way down to horror film grades.
And much more!
Again, you just double click to apply it. There's also overlays.
So if you want to add some camera UI on top of your footage dust and scratches and old film frames, so there's really so much to explore here timers. So if you need to add timers to your videos, there's some of those and if there's anything that you want in this pack in the future, just leave a comment below and we will design it and add it to the toolkit. And remember even if you buy it now, you can get those free updates for free because once you buy it, it's yours to keep forever. I still can't believe I have my own plug-in. It's pretty crazy and I've been working hard on it. So I really hope that it's useful and you start using it in your video project. Don't forget to add a funny comment below and fill out the form for a chance to win one of the three licenses that I'm giving away for my toolkit. If you want to learn some more tips on Premiere Pro, you can click right over here and click over here to subscribe. And as always keep creating better video with Gal. See you next time. Bye.